Ward Service Office
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
1408 & 1420 W. Morse
1408 W. Morse
(Mission Control Arcade Bar) Decision

Based on the community feedback we received, our office will be supporting the zoning change request for Mission Control Arcade bar at 1408 W. Morse (the City corrected the address in its GIS system this week. It was previously marked at 1406 W. Morse in its system).
The zoning change from B3 to C1 will allow the new owner, Aaron Allen, to operate an arad bar out of the space formerly occupied as Pub 626.
Mr. Allen and his business Mr. Allen and his business partner previously ran the Uptown Arcade in the Uptown neighborhood. They recently moved to Rogers Park and are looking to invest in the community by opening a neighborhood arcade bar in a prominent location. They have been working closely with the previous tenant, Pub 626, and have already started making improvements to the space.
The space will house upwards of 40 arcade games, provide food options, and offer a full-service bar. This business will help revitalize the Morse business corridor, which recently welcomed the Malliway Bros. in a larger storefront located on the southwest corner of Glenwood and Morse.
1420 W. Morse
(Morse Liquor) Decision

Based on the community feedback our office received for the zoning change proposal at 1420 W. Morse, we will be supporting the zoning change request.
The new owner, Gaurav Patel, is taking over an existing liquor store. When a new owner purchases a previous liquor store, the liquor license does not transfer, and the new owner must apply for a new one. The previous zoning designation didn't require special permits or zoning because it was grandfathered in under previous zoning law. New restrictions would require the new owner to apply for a special use permit for the liquor license, whereas a C1 zoning designation allows it outright.
The new owner plans on making substantial improvements to the storefront, including new flooring, racks, clear windows, and signage. You can learn more about the proposal on the 49th Ward website.
Submit Feedback on the Proposals at
1406 & 1420 W. Morse
Last night, our office hosted a community meeting to discuss proposed zoning changes at 1406 and 1420 W. Morse. We are seeking feedback from the community on both proposals to inform Alderwoman Hadden's decision on their zoning change requests.
1420 W. Morse:
The new owner, Gaurav Patel, is seeking a zoning change from B3 to C1 for the existing liquor store located at 1420 W. Morse. The zoning change will allow him to continue to sell packaged good liquor. Mr. Patel also plans on making substantial improvements to the store, which are long overdue.
The current zoning doesn't allow liquor sales. The previous business didn't require special permits or zoning as it opened before current restrictions were put in place. The new owner is now subject to current zoning laws.
View the proposal: here.
Submit feedback: here.
1406 W. Morse:
Owner, Aaron Allen, is seeking a zoning change to establish an arcade bar, Mission Control Arcade, in the space formerly occupied by Pub 626. The zoning will have to be changed from B3 to C1 to allow the space to be used as an amusement arcade.
Mr. Allen and his business partner previously ran the Uptown Arcade in the Uptown neighborhood. They recently moved to Rogers Park and are looking to invest in the community by opening a neighborhood arcade bar in a prominent location. They have been working closely with the previous tenant, Pub 626, and have already started making improvements to the space.
Submit feedback: here.
The deadline to submit feedback on both proposals is Thursday, September 9.
Community Meeting on Zoning Change Requests for 1420 & 1406 W. Morse Avenue

The 49th Ward office will host a community meeting on zoning change proposals for 1406 and 1420 W. Morse Avenue. The meeting will take place on Wednesday, September 2, at 6 pm. Register in advance for the meetings at bit.ly/MorseZ.
1420 W. Morse:
The new owner, Gaurav Patel, is seeking a zoning change from B3 to C1 for the existing liquor store located at 1420 W. Morse. The zoning change will allow him to continue to sell packaged good liquor. Mr. Patel also plans on making substantial improvements to the store, which are long overdue.
The current zoning doesn't allow liquor sales. The previous business didn't require special permits or zoning as it opened before current restrictions were put in place. The new owner is now subject to current zoning laws.
1406 W. Morse:
Owner, Aaron Allen, is seeking a zoning change to establish an arcade bar, Mission Control Arcade, in the space formerly occupied by Pub 626. The zoning will have to be changed from B3 to C1 to allow the space to be used as an amusement arcade.
Mr. Allen and his business partner previously ran the Uptown Arcade in the Uptown neighborhood. They recently moved to Rogers Park and is looking to invest in the community by opening a neighborhood arcade bar in a prominent location. They have been working closely with the previous tenant, Pub 626, and have already started making improvements to the space.