Ward Service Office
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626

Based on the community feedback and the language in the planned development ordinance, the 49th Ward office has decided to recommend having the zoning at 7630-7638 N. Rogers revert to the B3-5 designation. The planned development (PD977) expired in 2011 and the property owner is requesting the B3-5 designation.
Section 17-13-0612-E of the municipal code stipulates that the planned development revert back to the zoning designation applied to the subject property before the approval of the planned development. In addition to what is stipulated in the city's municipal code, a majority of the 40 neighbors who provided feedback (46.4%) supported a B3-5 designation to the alternative designations (B1, RT4, and RMS). Additionally, a majority of neighbors were in favor of a zoning designation that would support a mixed-use function at this site. Finally, residents supported the B3-5 designation because it would make the property more attractive for a real estate transaction. The current owner is looking to sell, and neighbors are eager to see a new property owner at this address.
I will make my formal recommendation to the zoning administrator so an ordinance can be drafted and submitted to the Committee on Zoning, Landmarks and Building Standards before going ahead of the full City Council for final approval.
View the PowerPoint presentation containing the different options and presented to the community by clicking the button below.