Oficina de servicio de barrio
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
1921-31 W. Pratt Proposal

A picture of the lot located at 1921-31 W. Pratt, provided by the Cook County Assesor's Office.
Community Meeting Recap &
Survey Open - 8/18/24
August 18th, 2024 — On Tuesday, August 13th, Alderwoman Hadden and S&C Electric hosted a community meeting regarding a proposed zoning change for the property owned by S&C Electric at 1921-31 W. Pratt Blvd. The meeting was held in-person and on-site. To view the plans for the site, please visit our website https://www.49thward.org/1921wpratt.
Our survey is now open for community feedback! Please click this link or the button above to complete the survey.
NOTE: The backup virtual community meeting in case of inclement weather scheduled for September 17th has been CANCELED.
The applicant, S&C Electric Company, is seeking a zoning change from RS-3 to M1-1 to construct a new, 92 spot parking lot with best-practice stormwater detention, new entry driveway with bike turnstile entry off Pratt, landscaping, and decorative fencing. A portion of the existing alley would be vacated, and a new alley would be dedicated to keep access matching the existing condition.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Deputy Ward Director, Kyle Ryan, at kyle@49thward.org or call our office at 773-338-5796.
Note: The community survey stopped accepting responses on Tuesday, September 3rd at 12PM. See the results below!
Community Meeting Scheduled - 8/3/24

August 3rd, 2024 — Please join Alderwoman Hadden and the 49th Ward Office for a community meeting regarding a proposed zoning change for the property at 1921-31 W. Pratt Blvd. on Tuesday, August 13rd, 2024 at 6pm. This meeting will be in-person at 1921 W. Pratt. Some seating will be provided.
In case of inclement weather, there will be a back-up virtual meeting on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024 at 6pm via Zoom. Please use the following link to register for the meeting.
The applicant, S&C Electric Company, is seeking a zoning change from RS-3 to M1-1 to construct a new, 92 spot parking lot with best-practice stormwater detention, new entry driveway with bike turnstile entry off Pratt, landscaping, and decorative fencing. A portion of the existing alley would be vacated, and a new alley would be dedicated to keep access matching the existing condition.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Deputy Ward Director, Kyle Ryan, at kyle@49thward.org or call our office at 773-338-5796.