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7325 N. Honore Proposal


The property at 7325 N. Honore.

Final Decision - 4/20/24:

On Tuesday, March 28th, Alderwoman Hadden and the owner of the property located at 7325 N. Honore hosted a community meeting to discuss a proposed zoning change for the property located at 7325 N Honore.

The applicant and property owner, Mike Kaplun, acquired the property a couple years ago and has corrected all previous building violations. The applicant is requesting a zoning change from RT-4 to RM-6 to add four additional dwellings units to a 26-unit existing building. Three of the four units existed prior to Mr. Kaplun purchasing the property and Mr. Kaplun would like to add one additional unit and bring the property into zoning compliance. Additionally, variances will be requested for reductions in parking and the rear-yard setback.

Of the four units, 2 will be one-bedrooms and 2 will be two-bedrooms and will be rented at affordable rates. 

A community survey regarding this zoning request received 26 responses. Of those responses, 92.3% were in favor of supporting the zoning change request. No major concerns regarding the proposal were brought to our office. Therefore, Alderwoman Hadden will SUPPORT the zoning change request for 7325 N. Honore. 

Community Survey Announcement - 3/23/24:

The community survey is now closed. Results have been published above. 

On Tuesday, March 28th, Alderwoman Hadden and the owner of the property located at 7325 N. Honore hosted a community meeting to discuss a proposed zoning change for the property located at 7325 N Honore. A recording of the meeting can be viewed here.

The property owner, Mike Kaplun, acquired the property a couple years ago and has corrected all previous building violations. The applicant is requesting a zoning change from RT-4 to RM-6 to add four additional dwellings units to a 26-unit existing building. Three of the four units existed prior to Mr. Kaplun purchasing the property and Mr. Kaplun would like to add one additional unit and bring the property into zoning compliance. Additionally, variances will be requested for reductions in parking and the rear-yard setback.

Of the four units, 2 will be one-bedrooms and 2 will be two-bedrooms and will be rented at affordable rates. 

To take the community survey, please click here or the button above.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to our Deputy Ward Director, Kyle Ryan, at 773-338-5796 or emailing

Community Meeting Announcement - 3/23/24:

Please join the 49th Ward Office on March 26th, at 6pm for a community meeting via Zoom regarding a zoning change request for the property located at 7325 N. Honore Ave!

The applicant and owner is seeking a zoning change from RT-4 to RM-6 to add four additional dwelling units in unused space within an existing 26-unit building. Variations for a reduction in rear yard space and parking requirements will also be sought.

The current owner acquired the property in 2021 and addressed previous building violations, bringing the property into code compliance. The owner also added security and new landscaping to the property.

If you have any questions, please reach out to our Deputy Ward Director, Kyle Ryan, at 773-338-5796 or email .

Please register for the community meeting by clicking here!

Horas de oficina*:

Lunes: 9 am - 5 pm

Martes: 9 am - 5 pm

Miércoles: 9 am - 5 pm

Jueves: 9 am - 5 pm

Viernes: 9 am - 5 pm

Oficina de servicio de barrio:

1447 W. Morse Ave

Chicago, IL 60626


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