Oficina de servicio de barrio
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
After receiving 25 applications for this 49th Ward Community Ca$h funding opportunity, the results are in! A total of $100,000 was made available for this microgrant opportunity, which allowed direct investments to our community. More information on the scope, timeline, eligibility requirements, and scoring committee are available on this website below the recipients.
The following organizations were awarded as recipients for the 2022 Fiscal Year
Barrel of Monkeys - $10,527
Barrel of Monkeys received a grant to provide 45-50 students access to a free after-school program at Loyola Park. The program will introduce participants to the performing arts and provide opportunities to engage in writing and storytelling. This camp focuses on youth with lived experiences of violence and trauma and provides them a creative and therapeutic outlet to tell their stories.
Care for Real - $5,000
Care for Real received a grant to help cover the costs of its pop-up food pantry at the United Church of Rogers Park on Ashland and Morse. Care for Real opened the food pantry at this location in 2020 during the height of COVID to ensure that neighbors suddenly facing hard decisions of whether to pay rent or buy groceries could still access food. What was supposed to be a temporary service during the pandemic has remained as people continue to struggle with the fallout from COVID and inflation levels at an all-time high. Care for Real has seen a 332% increase in first-time food panty visits just this year. The grant will help them maintain a presence in the 49th Ward and continue to fight hunger in the 49th Ward. ​
Circles & Ciphers - $15,000
Circles & Ciphers received a grant to provide an opportunity for 30 young people impacted by violence to participate in the Rogers Park Young People's Peace Brigade. The program provides participants with stipends and a safe space for support, education, and training. Trainings will include practices in restorative justice and leadership. Participants will have the opportunity to share their stories and express them through artistic mediums, including hip hop, drawing, fashion, and more. Circles & Ciphers will partner with neighborhood organizations to recruit youth to participate from our community and to help connect them to additional resources. ​
Family Matters - $10,000
Family Matters received a grant for costs associated with their Project RISE program. This is a youth-led teen job skills training and leadership development program. The program offers teens ages 14-18 an opportunity to build job-readiness skills and to practice those skills at local businesses while receiving a stipend.
Indo-American Center - $5,000
Indo-American Center (IAC) received a grant to engage 30 youth from the South Asian community (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Nepali, Sri Lankan, etc.) to collaborate with a core group of youth leaders from the organization. The youth-led organization will conduct voter outreach in the Asian American community and provide political engagement education. IAC will host voter education events where they will provide training on how individuals can register to vote, how to fill out a ballot, and how to use a ballot machine. IAC will also conduct outreach to the South Asian community to serve as election judges in upcoming elections. ​​
Lifeline Productions - $5,000
Lifeline Productions received a grant for its summer drama camp for youth ages 5-13. The grant money will go towards full and partial scholarships to attend the summer drama camp. The grant money will specifically go to youth that reside in the 49th Ward. ​
Loyola Park Advisory Council (fiscal sponsor of the Chicago Parks Foundation) - $5,000
The Loyola Park Advisory Council is a 100% volunteer-run organization. The grant will go to help cover the costs of community-building events they are hosting in 2022, including the Annual Artists of the Wall festival and a movie in the park.
Northside Community Resources - $10,000
Northside Community Resouces received a grant to help cover the costs of onboarding an additional staff member for its housing program. The new position will work under the Housing Director to help individuals identify available affordable housing units. They will also work to strengthen community relations by educating landlords and tenants in strategic areas such as mediation, first-time homebuyer trainings, landlord training, and foreclosure and eviction protection trainings.
ONE Northside - $9,535
ONE Northside received a grant to host workshops that provide life skills on financial literacy, legal advocacy, civic engagement, and organizing through their violence disruption arm, Communities Partnering 4 Peace (CP4P). The grant will provide 8-10 young people in the 49th Ward an opportunity to receive trainings and mentorship through the CP4P program while receiving stipends for their participation.
Rogers Park Business Alliance - $5,000
The Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA) received a grant for its Glenwood Sunday Market matching program for SNAP/Link recipients. This will allow 49th Ward residents who receive SNAP/Link benefits to have their purchases at the Glenwood Sunday Market matched dollar for dollar. This allows individuals with these benefits access to a variety of fresh and locally-grown produce.
The Recyclery (fiscal sponsor of After School Matters) - $15,938
The Recyclery received a grant to provide a youth bike program based at Sullivan High School and to reinstate The Recyclery Collective's Youth Open Shop. The partnership with Sullivan High School allows 45 students to participate in an apprenticeship for 6 weeks in the summer and 10 weeks in the fall, during which they will receive a stipend. The grant also re-instates the Youth Open Shop, which is a dedicated youth space in the community that had to abruptly close in March 2020 due to the COVID pandemic. ​
Synapse Art Collective - $4,000
Synapse Art Collective received a grant to provide a suite of guided creative, fun, and therapeutic art activities for members of the public during outdoor neighborhood festivals. These activities will be inclusive for all people, no matter their age.
What is Community Ca$h?
The City of Chicago's 2022 approved budget included a unique opportunity for each ward to receive $100,000 in funds for microgrant opportunities. This funding is for registered non-profit organizations with the Secretary of State to provide programming and services to each ward.
In 2020, the 49th Ward posed an open-ended question during its participatory budgeting process: "If you could change one thing about our community that would make life better for you, what would it be?" This open-ended question led to a range of responses, from traditional capital infrastructure ideas to broader policy and programs recommendations. Born out of that was the 49th Wards first-ever Policy and Programs Committee.
This committee spent months weeding through the responses and identifying priority areas for the community. In the 2020 cycle, voters then took to the participatory ballot to vote on which policy and program areas they felt were the most important and that should shape Alderwoman Hadden's legislative agenda at City Council. With this unique microgrant opportunity, we now are able to put our money where our values are.
Where do I apply?
Eligible entities can apply on the City's iSupplier website, at bit.ly/CommunityCash49, or by clicking the button below to be redirected to the application.
Please note: the URL and button links to all open bids with the Department of Procurement Services. You will be required to create an iSupplier account and select the 49th Ward Microgrant bid (solicitation number 8551) to apply.
What is the scope?
Based on the PB49 Cycle 11 vote, the microgrant will ask applicants to focus their proposals on four main areas:
Youth Engagement:
Ward residents support creating and sustaining programs that uplift and empower our young residents.
Restorative Justice, Violence Prevention, & Community Reinvestment:
Ward residents support public investment in much-needed social, health, and housing programs. This could look like programs that provide crisis response services, restorative justice programs, and other alternative forms of dispute resolution and violence prevention.
Affordable Housing:
Ward residents would like to see a dedicated focus on providing more affordable housing. This could be achieved through connecting residents to services like direct rental assistance and eviction prevention, or other programs aimed at serving homeless and housing insecure neighbors in the ward.
Civic Engagement:
Ward residents value opportunities for civic engagement at all levels in the community. From services and programs that support engagement with the government, to community-led activities, events, and programs.
Who can apply?
Any non-profit that is registered with the Secretary of State is eligible to apply.
Any registered non-profit that wants to provide programs and services in the 49th Ward that meet the scope of the grant.
Organizations that share similar ideas/visions can collaborate to submit a proposal.
What are the restrictions?
No organization or fiscal sponsor can receive more than $50,000 total per ward for this microgrant opportunity
We previously miscommunicated that it was capped at $50,000 citywide, but since have received clarification from the Office of Budget Management that it is $50,000 per ward.
The funding ends December 31, 2022, and is not guaranteed to be renewed in subsequent years.
What is the application deadline?
Applications open on Monday, March 21, 2022, and close on Friday, April 15, at 12:00 PM CST.
What's the timeline?
Application open: March 21 through 12:00 pm on April 15
RFP information session: Tuesday, March 29, at 6:00 pm (register: bit.ly/MicrograntMeeting)
Application scoring: April 16 through April 30 (might be extended to mid-May if there is a large volume of applications that are submitted for consideration)
Grantees awarded: Mid-to-late May
Funding: June 2022 through December 31, 2022
How do I navigate the iSupplier website?
On Tuesday, March 29, representatives from the City of Chicago's Office of Budget Management (OBM) joined the 49th Ward for an information session on the City's iSupplier platform (also referred to as the eProcurement platform). Below are resources to help organizations navigate the platform so they can complete the grant application.
Additionally, the Department of Procurement Services offers technical assistance for delegate agencies using the iSupplier platform. You can reach out to customer support via email or phone.
Email: CustomerSupport@cityofchicago.org
Phone: 312-744-4357
Who is scoring applications?
A committee of 8 community members and 2 aldermanic staff members will be serving on the scoring committee. The staff members are required to score applications per the Office of Budget Management's guidelines for this program. The selected community members come from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and areas of expertise that reflect the broader community. While a scoring committee was not required for the microgrant process, our office felt it important to have an additional layer of input and oversight in the process to increase transparency.
Should any scoring committee member (or their spouse/domestic partner) have any affiliations, work, or sit on any boards of grant applications, they will be asked to recuse themselves from scoring those applications.
The scoring committee members are:
John Blommaert
Ebony DeBerry
Jeffrey Gonzalez
Marty Hansen
Kitty Juda
Johnna Lowe
Silvina Mamani
Marika Mashburn
Leslie Perkins
Stevie Rezac