Oficina de servicio de barrio
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Recursos para inmigrantes
Todos los residentes de Chicago, independientemente de su estado migratorio, pueden utilizar los servicios de la ciudad. Y todas las personas tienen derechos legales en los Estados Unidos, incluidos los inmigrantes indocumentados.
Es importante que los inmigrantes indocumentados conozcan sus derechos si ICE llama a su puerta. A continuación, se incluyen algunos materiales informativos para ayudarlo a comprender sus derechos en estas situaciones.
ICIRR Hotline

If you see or experience ICE activity, call the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant & Refugee Rights' (ICIRR) 24-Hour Family Support Hotline: 1-855-HELP-MY-FAMILY (1-855-435-7693).
For more information on ICIRR's hotline go to icirr.org/fsn. Here’s how you can stay informed and help others:
Understand ICE Tactics: ICE often carries out operations early in the morning, targeting people as they leave for work or take their children to school. They may also set up traffic stops, visit workplaces, or go to people’s homes. Even if someone is not the primary target, ICE has historically detained others who are present.
Know Your Rights: Every person in the U.S. has constitutional protections, and knowing how to exercise those rights can make all the difference in a moment of interaction with ICE:
You do NOT have to open your door unless ICE presents a warrant signed by a judge. ICE forms are not signed by judges and do not grant permission to enter your home.
If you come into contact with ICE officers, stay calm, do not run, and do not provide information about your immigration status.
Do not sign anything you don’t understand, and do not provide false documents. If you are questioned, you can calmly state that you wish to speak with a lawyer before proceeding.
Create a Safety Plan: Planning ahead is essential. Make sure your family has emergency contact information, and ensure schools or daycare centers have updated contact details for emergencies
Get Prepared!

WBEZ put together a helpful article on what Chicago Public Schools, parents or guardians, and students can do, including how to talk to children about the chances of Federal Immigration Officers in Chicago. A reminder that CPS does not allow immigration agents into schools without a warrant. Families can access resources regarding Know Your Rights workshops, legal services, and other information related to the new presidential administration here.
Protect RP

Protect RP, a volunteer-led mutual aid organization that started during the first Trump administration, is back and helping to keep our neighbors safe and informed. They will be helping to distribute Know Your Rights (KYR) information throughout our ward. If you'd like to get involved with them, please complete this Google form. A volunteer will be in touch with you shortly afterward!