Ward Service Office
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Howard & Paulina
Update on Development Proposal

On October 13th, the Housing For All team joined the 49th Ward Office at our Howard Street Corridor Development Open House to present new renderings and updates regarding the 100% all-affordable development at Howard and Paulina.
The Housing For All team fully intends to reapply for IHDA tax credits in the new year. Please keep an eye on our newsletter and socials for any future updates regarding this proposal.
If you have any questions, please reach out to our Deputy Ward Director, Kyle Ryan, at kyle@49thward.org or 773-338-5796

Preliminary conceptual design
Update on Development Proposal
I wanted to take a moment to provide you with some updates regarding the development at Howard/Paulina (“The Werner”) since our first community meeting on April 26 . During the meeting, Housing for All shared updates on its application, on the planned development process, and answered questions and concerns. To watch a recording of the meeting, please click here.
Housing for All, LLC is proposing to develop a mixed-use workforce housing development at the corner of Howard and Paulina in the 49th Ward. The project will comprise two lots at that intersection, spanning 7603-7619 N. Paulina and 1646-1660 W. Howard.
The proposal includes plans to construct 104 units over two phases, 82 of which would be set aside for households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The remaining 22 would be set aside for households earning at or below 30% AMI. 10% of the units would be set aside as type A fully accessible units, with another 20% set aside as easily adaptable to fully accessible.
Since the first meeting, our office has been compiling and analyzing the responses received from the community survey. Overall, the majority of respondents are in favor of this development, with many expressing support for the equitable, transit-oriented aspects of the proposal, the need for more affordable housing and mixing of incomes in the neighborhood, and the preservation of the historic Werner Building - included on Preservation Chicago’s 2023 Most Endangered Buildings list. A minority of respondents were worried about an increase in parking issues and concentrating such a large number of affordable housing units in one building. These community comments have been shared with Housing for All for their consideration as they modify plans for the future of the sites.
Second, Housing for All received word in late June that their application for the highly competitive tax credits was not one of the 18 selected by the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA). The development team plans to re-apply when the next round opens later this year. In the meantime, the development team has met with the Departments of Planning and Development and Housing to discuss the project and get alignment from the City. Housing for All is also using this time to rework their plans for site development. They plan to switch phases - focusing now on rehabilitating the Werner Building and the new construction to the north while leaving the one-story building that houses Redz Belizean and the currency exchange.
Finally, last week, the developers closed on the purchase of the properties spanning 7603-7619 N. Paulina and 1646-1660 W. Howard. Neighbors will begin to see work being done around the building as crews begin to clean the interior, repair windows and doors, add security and new lighting, and secure the site. Additionally, the development team has been working diligently with the retail tenants to ensure a smooth transition to temporary spaces as site work is completed.
This is a very exciting economic development opportunity for Howard Street, and my office and I are committed to bringing much-needed development that doesn’t displace neighbors, helps revitalize a critical commercial corridor, promotes equity and diversity, and promotes better sustainability. Please keep a watch for more information as it becomes available, and you can always reach out to my office by phone at 773-338-5796 or emailing office@49thward.org for more information.
Alderwoman Maria Hadden
Share Your Feedback on the Affordable Housing Proposal at Howard & Paulina
On April 26, our office hosted a community meeting to discuss Housing For All's proposal to develop a mixed-use, 100% affordable workforce housing development at the corner of Howard and Paulina. The proposal is required to go through the Planned Development process due to the size and scope of the project.
The proposal includes plans to construct 104 units, 82 of which would be set aside for households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The remaining 22 would be set aside for households earning at or below 30% AMI. 10% of the units would be set aside as type A fully accessible units, with another 20% set aside as easily adaptable to fully accessible.
There will be a total of 14,968 square feet of rentable retail space upon completion of the project. The developer will work closely with the existing businesses so as not to displace them, including the post office on Paulina. They will also explore new market tax credits, which could help them pass cost savings to potential commercial tenants to keep prices affordable and encourage economic development in the area.
We would like to hear residents' feedback on the proposal. Please take a moment to complete the online feedback form at bit.ly/HowardPaulinaFeedback. Feedback will be accepted through May 14, 2023.
Community Meeting on Proposed Affording Housing Development April 26

Join Alderwoman Hadden and representatives from Housing for All, LLC to learn more about a 100% affordable proposed development for the northeast corner of Howard and Paulina. During the meeting, Housing for All will share updates on its application, on the planned development process, and answer questions and concerns.
Housing for All, LLC is proposing to develop a mixed-use workforce housing development at the corner of Howard and Paulina in the 49th Ward. The project will comprise two lots at that intersection, spanning 7603-7619 N. Paulina and 1646-1660 W. Howard.
The proposal includes plans to construct 110 units, 88 of which would be set aside for households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI). The remaining 22 would be set aside for households earning at or below 30% AMI. 10% of the units would be set aside as type A fully accessible units, with another 20% set aside as easily adaptable to fully accessible.
In February, the developer submitted an application to the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) for the competitive low-income tax credits. The application will go before IHDA's board in June for a final determination. If approved this round, the developer will seek supplemental financing options from the City's Department of Housing.
The meeting will take place on Wednesday, April 26, at 6 pm in the fieldhouse at Willye White Park, 1610 W. Howard. Spanish translation will be available. Learn more about the proposal below.
Update on Development Proposal (January 21, 2023):
This week, the Department of Planning and Development introduced a 134-page document as the first step in the Planned Development (PD) process as they begin outlining what will be considered. If approved, it will designate the sites at 7603-7619 N. Paulina and 1646-1660 W. Howard as a unified Planned Development (PD). While the underlying zoning designation of B3-1 will remain the same, the size of the lot and the number of units planned for the site automatically trigger the PD process. This process is stricter than a traditional zoning change and requires that the developer submit a comprehensive plan to the City of Chicago for approval.
Housing for All is still very early in an extremely extensive process, and our office will be hosting community meetings to solicit feedback before it goes before the City's Plan Commission. In addition to the 49th Ward process, The Department of Planning and Development also requires public hearings before a PD can proceed.
Last month, we announced that Housing For All's Preliminary Project Assessment with the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) was approved for Phase I of the site. They are currently working through the full application to submit in February for consideration of tax credits. Final decisions on tax credits likely won't be announced until early summer 2023.
Housing for All has also been working with the City's historic preservation team on exploring ways to preserve the historically significant Werner Bros building on the Paulina side.
For more information on the development, scroll down. You may also contact the 49th Ward office with any questions at office@49thward.org or 773-338-5796. Please continue to keep your eye on this space for updates and information on ways to engage with this exciting proposal.
Update on Development Proposal (December 10, 2022):
This week, Housing For All's Preliminary Project Assessment with the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) was approved for Phase I of the site. This means that they will submit a full application to IHDA in February for consideration of tax credits.
The proposal is to develop a mixed-use workforce housing development at the corner of Howard and Paulina. Once completed, the building will be a total of 6 stories, with 110 residential units above ground floor commercial space. The units will be 100% affordable, with 88 set aside for households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI) and the remaining 22 set aside for households earning at or below 30% of AMI.
The unit breakdown would include 70 family-sized units, which will add density to the area to support the business corridor and help Gale Community Academy, which has been historically under-enrolled and relies on CPS' student-based budgeting model for funding.
This preliminary decision was a critical step in moving the development forward through the process and securing much-needed affordable housing as we continue to see the costs of living rise.
Final decisions on Housing for All's application will come in the summer of 2023. More information on the development is available below.
Housing For All, LLC Unveils Proposal to Build Mixed-Use Workforce Housing Development at Howard and Paulina
Housing for All, LLC is proposing to develop a mixed-use workforce housing development at the corner of Howard and Paulina in the 49th Ward. The project will comprise two lots at that intersection, spanning 7603-7619 N. Paulina and 1646-1660 W. Howard.
While the underlying zoning at both sites (B1-3) will remain the same, the size of the lot will trigger a Planned Development process. A PD is a stricter process than a zoning change and requires that the developer submit a comprehensive plan to the City of Chicago for approval. A PD also allows the community more input into the overall design of the development.
Work will be completed in two phases, with the lot at the corner of Howard and Paulina happening in the first phase and work further north on Paulina in the Werner Bros building taking place in the second phase. Once completed, the building will be a total of 6 stories, with 110 residential units above ground floor commercial space.
The 110 residential units will be 100% affordable workforce housing units. The unit breakdown will be as follows:
Studios - 16 units
1 bedroom - 24 units
2 bedrooms - 42 units
3 bedrooms - 28 units
88 of the 110 units would be set aside for households earning at or below 60% of the Area Median Income (AMI), and the remaining 22 would be set aside for households earning at or below 30% AMI. 10% of the units would be set aside as type A fully accessible units, with another 20% set aside as easily adaptable to fully accessible.
There will be a total of 14,968 square feet of rentable retail space upon completion of the project. The developer will work closely with the existing businesses so as not to displace them, including the post office on Paulina. They will also explore new market tax credits, which could help them pass cost savings to potential commercial tenants to keep prices affordable and encourage economic development in the area.
The site's proximity to an accessible Red Line station makes it an ideal location for more density. The addition of affordable family-sized units will help bolster Gale Community Academy's enrollment numbers. Finally, the workforce housing component will help provide tenants with the tools and skills to be successful in the workforce.
The developer submitted an application to the Illinois Housing Development Authority (IHDA) for an assessment for tax credits. If approved, the application would then go before IHDA's board in June for a final determination. The developer would also seek supplemental financing options from the City of Chicago's Department of Housing.
The proposal is still in the early stages of planning. As the application progresses through IHDA, there will be ample opportunity for the community to learn more and share their feedback. A copy of Housing for All, LLC's proposal is available by clicking here.