Ward Service Office
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Emergency Heating Repair Program

Every year, the City of Chicago offers a grant to homeowners through the Emergency Heating Repair Program.
Eligible properties must be located in Chicago, habitable, owner-occupied, and not at risk of foreclosure. This is a one-time service program for single-family, one to four units, and owner-occupied properties located in the city of Chicago. Any owner-occupied property that has received this service in the past will be ineligible to receive service again.
Households earning 80% or less of the Area Median Income (AMI) are eligible to participate in the program. The total gross income of all owners and other household members shall be included and may not exceed this limit. The gross incomes of all adults, 18 and older, who reside in the property are included in determining income eligibility.
If the owner sells, transfers title, or no longer occupies the unit within one year of the grant, the owner will be required to pay the balance of the loan from the time of transfer to the loan ending period date.
Applicants can download the application package and view eligibility requirements on the Department of Planning and Development’s website.