Ward Service Office
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
Lead Service Line Replacement Program
The City of Chicago has a new program that will replace lead service lines completely free for homeowners who qualify. You may be eligible for the Equity Lead Service Line Replacement Program if you:
Live in a two-flat or house that you own.
Have a household income of $74,550 or less for a family of four.
Have children 18 or under living with you OR have elevated lead levels in your drinking water as determined by testing done by the Chicago Department of Water Management.
If you have questions about the program or would like to apply, call 312.742.2406 or visit www.LeadSafeChicago.org.
Water Test Kit

If you are concerned about the potential of elevated lead levels in your home’s water, you may wish to have your water tested.
The test kit consists of three bottles, a mailing box, and instructions. Follow the instructions included in your kit for collecting water samples in your home, put the bottles in the shipping box and place it in a location (such as the entryway or front door) for pick up by Department of Water Management (DWM) staff.
If you would prefer to schedule a time for a DWM representative to come to your home to take water samples, keep in mind that this appointment must be scheduled for a time when you are home and you have not used your water for over 6 hours. Please call 311 or fill out the form online and a representative will reach out to you to schedule a visit.
More information on water test kits is available on the Department of Water Management’s website.
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