Ward Service Office
1447 W. Morse Ave
Chicago, IL 60626
North Side Housing & Supportive Services
Progress Update: North Side Shelter Opens!

December 2024: Northside Housing and Supportive Services held a ribbon cutting on December 9th to commemorate the opening of the non-congregate shelter. Located at 7464 N Clark St., the shelter will provide immediate relief for 70 men this winter and serve an estimated 250 individuals each year. With nearly 68% of people experiencing homelessness being men and only 22% of the city’s shelter beds available to them, this facility addresses a critical gap in Chicago. It aims to help men heal from the trauma of homelessness and transition into stable, long-term housing.
The shelter is operated by North Side Housing and Supportive Services (NSHSS), a non-profit organization with a long-standing reputation for helping men move from the streets into stability. NSHSS addresses immediate needs, connects clients to essential programs like job training, and facilitates permanent housing placements, including within its 156 supportive housing units located across the city.
The 49th Ward community overwhelmingly supported this new shelter, with over 70% expressing support throughout the engagement process. We applaud the Department of Housing, the Department of Family and Supportive Services, and North Side Housing for their collaboration in bringing this shelter to life. It will offer a unique and transformative way to house men in need and will serve as a blueprint for new shelters across the city.
The shelter will operate 24/7 year-round, offering three daily meals, free laundry facilities, and an on-site medical exam room. Two dedicated case managers will work closely with residents to address the root causes of their homelessness, connecting them to medical and mental health services, job training, and financial literacy programs. They will also assist with housing applications and other paperwork to help residents secure permanent housing.